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Paperback & Digital

Self Publishing

Direct Publishing on, Publish an E-book, Self-Publishing Solutions, Paperback Self Publishing, Get Your Book Published

One might think that the most time consuming and difficult part about writing a book would be the actual process.  Most people don't realize how tough it is to publish written work.  There is a light at the end of the tunnel through the right type of self-publishing.


I became proficient in setting Amazon specific SEO 10 years ago while helping a client self-publish. Publishing houses were charging thousands of dollars to print her books. Their promises showed little to no return in book sales. Work done on her books was inferior. Some editing changed the meaning of her voice in what she was trying to share. The promotional output promised was ineffective. To add insult to injury, she had no say in what her book price would be in sources outside of the publisher’s online store, so her books were overpriced.


The publishing house did not optimize or properly categorize her books in online stores; so they were lost in a sea of millions of authors. All the experience and knowledge she could provide were essentially lost in cyber-space.


The publishing house had her sign forms that gave them the intellectual rights to her written work; she was completely unaware. Most of what she wrote couldn't be used in certain ways without their consent - or at all. With a great deal of frustration, she learned a costly lesson the hard way.  


A work of writing is incredibly time consuming and personal; it feels like a little piece of your soul.  I understand, respect, and appreciate that. Let me help you share your story, experiences, and knowledge with the world.  I will help you to hold onto and protect the intellectual property of your work.


I offer self-publishing options for digital e-books or paperbacks via the global juggernaut of  I format and code Kindle e-Books to ensure visually pleasing usability across all digital and mobile devices. My knowledge and experience working with Amazon specific SEO help boost Kindle sales, while delivering a higher author ranking.


Specific information will be provided to you that will help boost sales.  You and I will work together to find the right cover and price for your book with options for higher income potential, providing monthly royalties.


So, what are you waiting for?  Isn’t it time you share what’s in you with the world? Contact me for a free consultation.

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